What Ever Did You Mean, 2015?

What Ever Did You Mean, 2015?

We’re well into the second month of the new year and by now I’m sure you’ve closed the book on 2015 and concluded that it was either a good year, a lousy year or just a so-so one. But at the beginning of every year I like to take pause and reflect on the year that was – to make an assessment of all the events, people and places that left a lingering impression or made an impact on me. It’s a kind of...

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Weapons Of Mass Distraction

Weapons Of Mass Distraction

Is it just me or is everything coming up superheroes these days? Just about every time I turn on the telly, open up a magazine or go online I come across news about some new superhero movie that’s been released, soon to be released or about to go into production. The list seems endless. X-men, The Avengers, Spider Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, Ant-Man, Fantastic Four, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Batman vs....

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