American Horror Story

American Horror Story

I’ve been playing truant from my blog and Instagram for so long now that I feel like I should be producing a doctor’s note to explain my lengthy absence before penning this : my first post in over two and a half years! And if I were to offer up said doctor’s note, I imagine it would read something like : Kindly excuse Mr. Vagar from neglecting his blogging and social media obligations as he has been suffering from a chronic case of...

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Band-Aid Apologies, You Can Stick ‘Em!

Band-Aid Apologies, You Can Stick ‘Em!

From repentant sports stars tearfully apologising to their fans on the telly for some scandalous behaviour to people close to you making amends for something they did wrong, I believe that we all have the innate ability to tell when an apology is either fake or genuine and heartfelt. Somehow, the latter ones just ring true on a heart or gut level. But then there’s the former kind, the apology of convenience, that doesn’t...

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What Ever Did You Mean, 2015?

What Ever Did You Mean, 2015?

We’re well into the second month of the new year and by now I’m sure you’ve closed the book on 2015 and concluded that it was either a good year, a lousy year or just a so-so one. But at the beginning of every year I like to take pause and reflect on the year that was – to make an assessment of all the events, people and places that left a lingering impression or made an impact on me. It’s a kind of...

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