What Ever Did You Mean, 2015?

What Ever Did You Mean, 2015?

We’re well into the second month of the new year and by now I’m sure you’ve closed the book on 2015 and concluded that it was either a good year, a lousy year or just a so-so one. But at the beginning of every year I like to take pause and reflect on the year that was – to make an assessment of all the events, people and places that left a lingering impression or made an impact on me. It’s a kind of...

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The One Time Yuk!

The One Time Yuk!

“The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off!” someone once famously said. But this, as a fellow traveller* with whom I once shared a special connection aptly put, is only a “one time yuk!” I think the phrase sums it up perfectly, because although you might feel awful at first, you’ll find that owning up to some less-than-desirable quality or aspect to yourself (if only to yourself alone)...

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Weapons Of Mass Distraction

Weapons Of Mass Distraction

Is it just me or is everything coming up superheroes these days? Just about every time I turn on the telly, open up a magazine or go online I come across news about some new superhero movie that’s been released, soon to be released or about to go into production. The list seems endless. X-men, The Avengers, Spider Man, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Wolverine, Ant-Man, Fantastic Four, Wonder Woman, Batman, Superman, Batman vs....

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Wham! Bam! Instagram!

Wham! Bam! Instagram!

If you’re a regular visitor to my blog you might have noticed that I now have an Instagram feed on the home page. Joining Instagram is something I didn’t expect I would do. Perhaps it’s a generational thing, but I’ve always been deeply skeptical about the quality and real value of our social exchanges in this age of unprecedented connectivity and networking. Of course, I do see the merits of social media, but I...

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Wedding Schmedding!

Wedding Schmedding!

“Excuse me, aren’t you Imraan from Eastern Mosaic?” I heard the voice say. I swung around from the shopfront window display I was admiring to discover that it belonged to an elegantly dressed, petite Indian woman in her twenties. “Yes I am.” I replied, mentally preparing myself for what typically followed that question : A photo request? An autograph perhaps? Or just a quick hello. This is how...

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Imraan Vagar Personal Life

Imraan Vagar Personal Life

The recent weeks have seen a few of my old Facebook followers writing in to ask about the “mysterious disappearance” of the page I created for this blog sometime in 2013. It was remiss of me not to post something about that sooner – but I was waiting for the right moment. Basically, I unpublished the page late last year. You could say that it had served its purpose and was no longer needed. For those of you wanting...

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