YouTube Video Essays
As those of you who follow me on the ‘Gram may know, I recently launched a “Coming-Out” video series on YouTube. I did so at the specific request of scores of deeply closeted gay and bisexual men of colour (mostly of Indian origin), who reached out to me via social media – many of them seeking guidance on how (of if at all) to come out to their socially conservative parents and families. To that end, the...
Gay While Indian : A Minority Report
Last year, while we were all in the first wave of living under the spectre of a pandemic, I embarked on an aggressive media campaign to publicly ‘come out’ on every platform that would have me – as part of my own little influence campaign to try and combat ridiculously outdated 80’s-era attitudes towards LGBTQ+ people that are apparently very much alive and well and living within the South African Indian community (and...
Coming Out #2 : The Calling
It all began, innocently enough, with a picture. This one, in fact… Believe it or not, this innocuous self-portrait on my Instagram elicited such an inexplicable torrent of thirst DM’s from mostly (very) young men, that it left me blushing and bemused. If you’re a little mystified, join the club. I didn’t get it either. In this age of gratuitously über-sexualized social media, I’m sure you’ll agree that my buttoned-up,...
Coming Out #1 : WTF Took You So Long?
If you follow me on the ’Gram you’ll probably be aware that in 2019 I lifted the veil of secrecy surrounding my notoriously private personal life and with that “came out” publicly as a cis gay man – laying to rest (once and for all I hope) the tiresome rumours and speculation about my sexual orientation and relationship status… I put came out in quotation marks because, having been proudly out to my...
American Horror Story
I’ve been playing truant from my blog and Instagram for so long now that I feel like I should be producing a doctor’s note to explain my lengthy absence before penning this : my first post in over two and a half years! And if I were to offer up said doctor’s note, I imagine it would read something like : Kindly excuse Mr. Vagar from neglecting his blogging and social media obligations as he has been suffering from a chronic case of...